
EMIL II 戰車騎士的英雄之旅! | 4 kills 11k dmg | world of tanks | @pewgun77

2024-03-17 1 Dailymotion

[ wot ] EMIL II 戰車騎士的英雄之旅! | 4 kills 11k dmg | world of tanks - Free Online Best Games on PC Video

PewGun channel : https://dailymotion.com/pewgun77

This Dailymotion channel is a channel dedicated to sharing WoT game's replay.(PewGun Channel), your go-to destination for all things World of Tanks! Our channel is dedicated to helping players improve their gameplay, learn new strategies.Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out, join us on the front lines and discover the thrilling world of tank warfare!

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~~~~~The introduction of tank below is quoted in WOT's website (Tankopedia)~~~~~

A variant of the heavy tank developed under the project of 1949. In 1952, three heavy tank projects were proposed. The EMIL 1952 E2 was the second variant. Depending on the armor and mounted engine, the weight of the vehicle varied from 34 to 39 tons. However, at the end of 1952, development of the E2 version was discontinued in favor of the E3 version, which had similar characteristics but improved armor.

Nation : SWEDEN
Tier : IX
Cost : 3,550,000 credits , 167,500 exp

3 Crews-


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